A BC HotSpot: The Lily Pond

Side of lily pond

Have you ever visited a beautiful place in New York? Well, there is one beautiful place that not everyone gets to see unless you are a student at Brooklyn College. This place is the Brooklyn College Lily Pond.

Created in 1935, even though its wintery white and covered with snow in the winter, the pond is stunning in the spring and summer times. The benches are filled with students who are reading a book, hanging with friends, or just watching the pond and relaxing before a class.

“What I love most about the lily pond is how beautiful and calming it is,” Nahida Mazile, 21, sophmore, said. “It’s a very romantic spot on campus.”

According to Brooklyn College’s virtual campus tour website, the lily pond is a place that everyone loves to be at. “It’s beautiful in any season, but most of all in late April and May, when the cherry trees blossom,” the website mentions.

AREAC (Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center) is the facility that takes care of the lily pond. AREAC is located on the first floor of New Ingersoll. The researchers in there study aquatic organisms and the environments they inhabit, according to their website. They also have a separate lab for growing freshwater organisms and doing experiments on them. Martin P. Schreibman, founding director of AREAC, and Robert Dickie, laboratory manager, both said that the lily pond is a “dynamic ecosystem, even though it is relatively small in size.” According to Brooklyn College’s Office of Facilities website, the pond is filled with Japanese goldfish.

If you have a friend who goes to Brooklyn College, ask him or her to get you in so you can experience the lovely, serene feeling sitting on a bench next to the lily pond. Take plenty of pictures!