Dogs like to RUFF-RUFF in ARF-ARF Rockaway

Honey and another pit-bull at ARF-ARF Rockaway Dog Park

I would like my showcase to be about the ARF-ARF Freeway Dog park in Rockaway Beach, NY. I have been interested in the topics of dogs and their surroundings ever since I got Honey. Honey is my two-year old pit-bull. I first took her to the dog park around a year ago. She appeared to like it even though she is still shy and nervous around other dogs. I recently read up about behavior dogs should and should not display in dog parks and which parks are best for which dogs. I realized that Honey does not like dogs that are larger or taller than her; She sees them as a threat. This is an issue when I take her because I want her to have fun and I don’t want her to be in a dog fight.

Honey’s behavior made me want to read up about behavior like hers and other dogs in off-leash dog parks. I also read about the owners of the dogs and how they play a big part in how the dogs interact at the park. Some agree that dogs should be taken to the dog park and that the parks are beneficial because it is a lot of exercise for dogs and it maintains dog social skills. Others oppose dog parks. They say that loose dog packs form and there might be conflict in the park deciding which dog gets which position, or the owners might not be paying attention to their dogs which creates potential danger, and also the dog might not be socialized enough to be around so many other dogs. There is also concern that dog parks that are too big might create dominant behavior.

ARF-ARF stands for Allied Rockaway Foundation for Animal Recreation and Fitness and it’s Freeway Dog Park is estimated to be the biggest dog park in Queens. It might just be the biggest in all of NYC! The estimation of the size of the park is approximately 2.25 acres. I set up an interview with Zina from ARF-ARF and plan for her to be the center of my story, along with information from other organizations. It would be really interesting if ARF-ARF is the biggest dog park in Queens, let alone in NYC. I want to find out more information on how the owners feel about other owners, their dogs and the size of the park since the size is relevant to how dogs interact with each other. I also am going to include the advantages and disadvantages or dog parks in general and then break it down to the size of the park and why it’s good or bad.