No gov’t will end the recession..You have to!

So one of my classmates talked about a secret group called the Bilderberg group. I took it upon myself to Google about this group and found some interesting news. Click here to find out!

Prolong the global recession? Wasn’t it going on for long enough? That’s why I didn’t vote people! The whole government is full of CRAP!!!! Obama probably goes there too! You never know these things. I appreciate Luke Rudkowski for his passion about journalism and trying to find out what is actually happening in our country instead of what’s happening with Britney Speakers or some other celebrity. Click on his name to watch his video with RT.

Citizens of New York and America, it’s time to smarten up and stop being naive about the government! Do what you can to help journalists like Rudkowski and myself to bring to light these wrongdoings that these elite people who meet once annually are actually talking about doing to bring more and more stress to us Americans. Stand up and take action.


BC vs Midwood by Jessica Durham

I did a small video about my college, Brooklyn College, versus Midwood High School, a high school right next to the college. A 2nd video will be coming soon. Click the link up top to see it!!
